
受理 Immortal 失職、玩家重大違規等檢舉。
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Joined: 2007-06-28 9:16 am


Post by exacpft »



Tower appears in a swirling mist.

[623hp 0m 413mv]

A cityguard puppet往這裡走過來了.

[623hp 21m 414mv]妳抖擻精神,站起身來.

[623hp 21m 414mv]You cannot concentrate your mind!

[623hp 21m 414mv]Your backstab *** ANNIHILATES *** a cityguard puppet!

[623hp 21m 414mv]#TICK!!!

妳擋開了a cityguard puppet的攻擊.
Blind Ok.
a cityguard puppet閃避掉妳的攻擊.

[623hp 21m 414mv]
A cityguard puppet's hit attacks 0/2 times and misses you.
Your pierce MAIMS a cityguard puppet!

[623hp 21m 414mv]You circulate your key power through your body!

[623hp 5m 414mv]
妳閃避掉a cityguard puppet的攻擊.
Your pierce attacks 2/2 times and *** DEMOLISHES *** a cityguard puppet!

[623hp 5m 414mv]#TICK+10

A cityguard puppet's hit mauls you.
Victim already blinded.
Your pierce attacks 4/4 times and ** D E S T R O Y S ** a cityguard puppet!

[600hp 5m 414mv]
A cityguard puppet's hit misses you.
Your pierce attacks 1/3 times and decimates a cityguard puppet!

[600hp 5m 414mv]
A cityguard puppet's hit attacks 0/2 times and misses you.
a cityguard puppet閃避掉妳的攻擊.

[600hp 5m 414mv]

[600hp 5m 414mv]
妳擋開了a cityguard puppet的攻擊.
Victim already blinded.
Your pierce attacks 2/4 times and ** DEMOLISHES ** a cityguard puppet!

[600hp 5m 414mv]
A cityguard puppet tries to trip you, but you remain stable !
妳擋開了a cityguard puppet的攻擊.
Your pierce decimates a cityguard puppet!
A cityguard puppet受了極嚴重的傷, 如果不治療的話, 很快就會死去.

[600hp 5m 414mv]

Victim already blinded.
Your pierce EVISCERATES a cityguard puppet!
妳聽見a cityguard puppet臨死前的最後一聲叫喊.
A cityguard puppet死了!
妳獲得 17690 點經驗值.
妳從corpse of a cityguard puppet中拿出22 gold coins.
Corpse of a cityguard puppet 包含著:
(發光著) 一個制式戰旗 a war banner
一件制式背心 a standard issue vest
一頂制式盔 a standard issue helmet

[600hp 5m 414mv]妳放鬆自己, 好好地坐了下來.

[623hp 5m 414mv]You circulate your key power through your body!

A cityguard puppet往這裡走過來了.

[623hp 0m 414mv]妳抖擻精神,站起身來.

[623hp 0m 414mv]You cannot concentrate your mind!

[623hp 0m 414mv]Your backstab ** ANNIHILATES ** a cityguard puppet!

[623hp 0m 414mv]
A cityguard puppet's hit attacks 1/3 times and decimates you!
Your pierce decimates a cityguard puppet!

[595hp 0m 414mv]
妳閃避掉a cityguard puppet的攻擊.
Your pierce attacks 2/2 times and ** DEMOLISHES ** a cityguard puppet!

[595hp 0m 414mv]
A terrible vampire突然從妳不注意的地方跳出來!
妳閃避掉a terrible vampire的攻擊.

[595hp 0m 414mv]
A terrible vampire突然從妳不注意的地方跳出來!
妳閃避掉a terrible vampire的攻擊.

[595hp 0m 414mv]
A terrible vampire突然從妳不注意的地方跳出來!
A terrible vampire's hit misses you.

[595hp 0m 414mv]但是妳已經在戰鬥中了.
妳擋開了a cityguard puppet的攻擊.
Your pierce attacks 1/3 times and devastates a cityguard puppet!
妳擋開了a terrible vampire的攻擊.
A terrible vampire utters the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
A terrible vampire's energy drain devastates you!
A terrible vampire utters the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
You successfully avoid the spell.
A terrible vampire's hit attacks 1/2 times and decimates you!
A terrible vampire's hit attacks 2/2 times and ** DEMOLISHES ** you!

[476hp 0m 414mv]#TICK+10

Corpse of a cityguard puppet decays into dust.

[481hp 5m 414mv]
A cityguard puppet tries to trip you, but you remain stable !
A cityguard puppet's hit misses you.
Your pierce attacks 2/2 times and ** DEMOLISHES ** a cityguard puppet!
A terrible vampire's hit attacks 1/2 times and devastates you!
A terrible vampire's hit misses you.
妳擋開了a terrible vampire的攻擊.
A terrible vampire utters the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
You successfully avoid the spell.
A terrible vampire utters the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
A terrible vampire's energy drain MAIMS you!

[416hp 5m 414mv]
A cityguard puppet's hit misses you.
Your pierce attacks 3/3 times and ** ANNIHILATES ** a cityguard puppet!
A cityguard puppet因受傷而昏迷不醒, 但卻可能會醒過來.
A terrible vampire's hit devastates you!
A terrible vampire utters the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
A terrible vampire's energy drain devastates you!
A terrible vampire utters the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
A terrible vampire's energy drain EVISCERATES you!
妳閃避掉a terrible vampire的攻擊.

[307hp 5m 374mv]
Your pierce ** DEMOLISHES ** a cityguard puppet!
妳聽見a cityguard puppet臨死前的最後一聲叫喊.
A cityguard puppet死了!
妳獲得 15646 點經驗值.
妳從corpse of a cityguard puppet中拿出3 gold coins.
Corpse of a cityguard puppet 包含著:
(發光著) 一個制式戰旗 a war banner
一件制式背心 a standard issue vest
一頂制式盔 a standard issue helmet
妳閃避掉a terrible vampire的攻擊.
妳閃避掉a terrible vampire的攻擊.
A terrible vampire's hit attacks 1/3 times and devastates you!

[278hp 5m 374mv]但是妳已經在戰鬥中了.

[278hp 5m 374mv]You must sit down to control your power.

[278hp 5m 374mv]但是妳已經在戰鬥中了.

[278hp 5m 374mv]
Your pierce attacks 2/2 times and ** DEMOLISHES ** a terrible vampire!
A terrible vampire's hit attacks 2/4 times and *** DEMOLISHES *** you!
〔出口:北 東 南 西〕

A Blane puppet. Ratmen slay it for hate.
You flee from combat!

[214hp 5m 370mv]妳伸個懶腰, 睡覺去了.

[214hp 5m 370mv]
You failed to balance yourself.
A terrible vampire trips you and you go down!
A terrible vampire's hit attacks 2/2 times and ** D E S T R O Y S ** you!

[107hp 5m 370mv]
妳閃避掉a terrible vampire的攻擊.

[107hp 5m 370mv]
Your pierce MAIMS a terrible vampire!
A terrible vampire's hit attacks 0/2 times and misses you.

A terrible vampire's hit MAIMS you!

A terrible vampire utters the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
A terrible vampire's energy drain devastates you!

A terrible vampire utters the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
A terrible vampire's energy drain mauls you.

[19hp 5m 370mv]
Your pierce attacks 2/2 times and ** DEMOLISHES ** a terrible vampire!
A terrible vampire's hit misses you.

A terrible vampire utters the words, 'unsozfol egruui'.
A terrible vampire's energy drain DISEMBOWELS you!

妳 被 殺 死 了 !!!

妳損失 360533 點經驗值.
Saving corpse ok.

[1hp 5m 370mv]




這當然! 如果先前就有人把 vampire charm 到附近,然後練功/rbt中去遇到
我會覺得還蠻不錯的,處處充滿刺激 :P (以前偶爾會遇到drake亂逛練功區,遇到算是意外的驚喜 *_*)

但是這個是謀殺啊,直接買兇來砍你,是有針對性的犯案,與charm mob去當不定時炸彈是不同的。

Last edited by exacpft on 2007-06-29 1:21 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 295
Joined: 2005-05-21 2:33 am

Post by atropos »

至於charm mob去砍robot的事情

atropos 在 2007-06-29 9:00 am 第 1 次修改
Last edited by atropos on 2007-06-29 9:00 am, edited 1 time in total.
Posts: 2
Joined: 2007-06-28 9:16 am

Post by exacpft »

玩家的話,各式各樣的人都有 :P

Sorry,從您出現到vampire來差不多2分半左右 :) 以致於誤會您了,抱歉

這次剛好還差一點等級才可以開偵測where到是不是干擾到人,下次打開後再來擺 :D
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