1. 覺得應該+the 或是 +s
The _________說 'My teacher ever told me the secret about ________ *potion*.'.
2 precisely .
The _______ *percisely* shows you the way to make the ___ potion*
3 enough .
The _______說 'You are smart *enought* to make the ___ one perfect'.
4 .
_____ instructs you in making the _____ one*
5 to
_____ the boss說 'Go ** find my senior underground'.
6 secret
A ______說 'Oh...you want to know the *serect* about ______ potion'.
7 show (old typo)
________說 'Welcome. May I *should* you some new style dresses ?'.
8 Finally .
*Finaly*, you get the quintessence of three ________ potions*
9 性別 her she
_____說 'Please help me to give back to *him*, and tell *him* *he* passes'.
10 the .
You share *thr* finding about ________ potions with _____*
11 .
Also you tell her the words from _____*
12 .
_____ gives you a _____ potion and you quaff it*
還有, ZC 的 Craftman, 字典查到的是 craftsman: n.工匠 而沒有 craftman.